Friday, March 14, 2008

UU Video site in beta -- now beta testing. Check it out, send feedback. Thanks...

UPDATE: out of beta and going strong. - peter website

Monday, March 10, 2008

UU TV - connecting producers and supporters

hose of you not receiving my e-newsletter, this is a blog copy of the message I sent out last week regarding UU TV... Check it out and pass it on. -- Peter


At General Assembly last year I started speaking with many of you about my vision for UU Television. If you are interested in this topic, please read on below. I have set up a new e-newsletter through UU PLANET on this topic. If you are subscribed to my general email list and would like to UU TV messages as well, just click the subscription management link at the end of this message.

The Internet and television are fusing. Digital video production , the web and increased computing power makes a new world of communication available. The UUA's new capital campaign is called "Now is the time." I'll tell you what time it is.
It's time to move our movement from the 19th century straight into the 21st.

Imagine a UU TV network, a broadcast available though the television and the web channel, one with a wide range of content for those new to our faith, existing members, leaders and more...

For me, UU TV is a way to turn our movement inside-out, to change that common inward focus and make the best of what we are doing 100% visible and accessible. This will not only share our faith, it will force many of us to change our ways.

By organizing volunteers, our UU media and video professionals, mapping out a coordinated strategy and enlisting an army of UU TV volunteers we can make this happen. I believe that if we start organizing, the vision will build and the money will come...

Would you like to join me?
If so, here are a few things you can do.

1) Join the UU TV e-newsletter
Invite anyone interested in Unitarian Universalist television to subscribe to my UU TV producers and supporters e-newsletter. Other communication tools will emerge, but for now my UU TV e-newsletter is mission control for building the vision.

2) Introduce yourself to me
Tell me who you are and what your interest is. Email me with a personal introduction. What is your interest in this UU TV thing? What talents and experience can you share? Writing, graphic design, editors, producers, actors - friends, we need it all!

3) Start brainstorming
Start generating ideas on your own, with fellow UU's. Brainstorm ideas for different programs we could have, specific segments on shows - go nuts! You can send these to me as you generate them or compile a batch to share later. As we talk and build a vision for what UU TV can look like, energy and momentum will build.

I am passionate about helping our congregations and our faith move from the 19th century straight into the 21st. While I plan on being highly involved in this effort, I can't do without you.

I invite you share news of this effort. Have a blog, website or newsletter? Link to the UU TV page on my site.

I look forward to hearing from you.

In cooperation,