Saturday, February 02, 2008

Survival is not enough, especially for UUs!

Visiting our congregations as a guest speaker, corresponding with people about congregational change across the US - one thing is clear. CHANGE is still a four letter word. Yes, I know it has six letters....

While many of us are embracing growth and changing our ways, the truth is it only takes one person in most of our congregations to put on the breaks. In my home congregation I've watched them investigate hospitality, membership, growth multiple times, each resulting in the conclusion that there is a need for a part time volunteer/membership coordinator. Three cycles and a decade later their at it again. Who will put on the breaks this time? I love 'em, but they are stuck. Trying to drive into the future while somewhere someone is pulling on the emergency break. Or maybe its the steering wheel they are grabbing.

The author who turned me into a UU evangelist -- he gave me the tools and the attitude -- is best selling marketing author Seth Godin. Seth has a number of books out which UU's should read. My most recent read is Survival Is Not Enough: Why Smart Companies Abandon Worry and Embrace Change.

This is one I'd buy a stack of an give to your board. They'll love you for giving them a book that is a great read, not "churchie", and totally relevant.

Curious about this Godin guy, check out his blog. One business blogs on the planet Earth.

Church Marketing Lab offers free design ideas

Looking for some inspiration for posters, fliers or other church marketing materials? The people over at Church Marketing Sucks has developed a flickr group where people can share their designs. They are calling this the Church Marketing Lab.

One of my favorites is the design for the Crossroad's High School Ministry. They have worked in an atom symbol and a bio-hazard symbol. I have no doubt that their students where t-shirts with these designs with pride.

Watch a slide show of the some of the images in the lab....

Church Marketing Sucks