I am preparing a series of conference call based seminars for the Fall. These will be an opportunity for groups of ministers (or lay leaders) to explore and discuss a highly focused topic related to the ministry areas I support as a consultant:
Relational Growth Strategies
UU Evangelism
Small Group Ministry & Covenant Groups
Lay Leadership & Ministry Development
As my work and ministry is focused on emerging ministries and our association's growing edges, I am striving to find efficient ways to meet your needs for support. I believe getting leaders and ministers together in small group via a conference can help accelerate the rate at which we learn from each other. Think of it as a rapid cross-pollenation of visionary ideas and new practices.
This is what I'm thinking in terms of format for each call:
- Introduction of participants (based on registration info)
- Introduction of topic
- Presentation on topic by me or guest speaker
- Facilitated discussion /Q&A session.
I'm planning to use a Toll-Free Dial-in Number and allow participants to download a recording of the call.
Does this make sense as a model for bringing leaders together to explore new ideas, emerging ministries, and offer support in areas presently not supported by the UUA ?
Do you have ideas for people who would make great guest speakers for this series? Anyone you'd like to have a small group seminar with?
I would also love suggestions on your ideal call time. Ministers, what works for you? 9am Central? What about lay leaders? A lunch call? Late night? 10PM?
Let me know your ideas. Post comments or contact me via email.
Peter Freedman Bowden
UU PLANET Ministry & Media
Office (401) 855-0037